Course Objectives
This one day course covers word processing essentials and continues on to more advanced commands. The main objectives are to make users aware of how to operate the program at a routine level, to have confidence to use the program on their own, and to be aware of the potential of this powerful computer tool.
Who Should Attend?
The course is aimed at users who have used another Windows word processing program (e.g. AmiPro, WordPerfect for Windows or an earlier version of Word) and are upgrading to Word 2003, or have used Microsoft Office Word 2003 but have not yet tapped its full potential. The course is not aimed at users who are new to word processing. The topics covered on our "Microsoft Office Word 2003 Introduction" course are an adequate prerequisite for this course.
Course Contents
The Word Screen.
- The View menu commands
- Customising the toolbars
Word's Automatic Features.
- Autotext
- Autocorrect
- Autocomplete
- Autoformat as you type
- Character formats
- Highlighting Text borders
- Alignment
- Line spacing
- Indentation
- Hanging indents
Word's Tools.
- Spell checker
- Thesaurus
- Grammar checker
Search and replace text.
- Set, align and move tab stops
- Tab leaders
Longer Documents.
- Create page breaks
- Use page numbering
- Headers and footers
- An introduction to styles
- Creating and formatting tables
- Performing calculations
- Using tables to design forms
- Altering column widths
- Using the icons on the Tables and Borders toolbar
An introduction to templates.
Information Rights Management.